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越南|梅文奋:写作能改变世界吗?——第五届博鳌国际诗歌奖获奖感言|曹谁 译











从诗人曹谁那里得知我的诗集《Улетелнарассвен - 黎明时起飞》, 在俄罗斯出版,获得第五届博鳌国际诗歌奖年度诗集奖。
















Can writing change the world?

By Mai Van Phan



Dear colleagues and friends,

I am Mai Van Phan, a poet and literary critic from Vietnam.

I'm really happy and touched to receive the news from the poet Cao Shui that my poetry collection Улетел на рассвете - 黎明时起飞》, published in Russia, has won the Poetry Collection of Year Award of 5th Boao International Poetry Award. First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to give my respectful thanks to the Jury, the Organizing Committee of the 5th Boao International Poetry Festival for awarding me this noble award. As far as I know, Boao is the place where annually organizes a prestigious international economic forum, bringing together government leaders, businesses and researchers from Asian countries and continents. At the same time, Boao is also a prestigious cultural and literary address, attracting great poets and writers from all over the world. This year's International Poetry Festival in Boao, once again, is a place to gather the beauty and strength of literature from around the globe. That beauty and power can change the world, change the spiritual life of mankind.

The world today is changing violently and unpredictably, causing insecurity for all mankind, including writers and poets. Those fluctuations change and diversify values, including literature. That change has a direct impact on writers and readers, both positively and negatively. As a creative person, I always ponder and ask myself the following questions: What is writing for now and how do I write to overcome the negatives? Can writing change the world? By the very act of writing, we nourish the aspiration of humanity, protecting the noble things that are always in danger of being suppressed.

Write to defend and respect the truth. The history of a community or a nation is sometimes overshadowed, swapped, and erased. Writing to contribute to preventing wars, epidemics, maintaining the balance of world order. More specifically, writing for ecological balance. Literature is always a dream. The past of each person is a series of dreams that the writer helps the reader to reflect on his own and that of others. And, literature is always a miracle, it can touch every soul in different ways, to purify, to give rise to something good and noble. Literature has no age, it always has the freshness and beauty that people crave.

Dear all friends! The light from the Boao International Poetry Festival continues to spread and transcend geographical, political, linguistic, cultural. I am honored to contribute my voice in this wonderful forum.

Good health and happiness to all of you!












梅文奋,越南杰出诗人,1955 年出生于越南北部红河三角洲的宁平市,现居河内市。他曾获得多个越南和国际文学奖,包括2010 年的越南作家协会奖2017 年的瑞典 Cikada 文学奖、2019 年的塞维亚科学与艺术学院奖,2020 年的黑山文学翻译协会文学奖,三次获得俄罗斯金笔文学奖(2019, 2020, 2021),2020 年北马其顿2020 Aco Karamanov奖,2020 年保加利亚第一届国际创意写作文学节共同进入21文学奖,2021 年中亚作家与史学家联合会Alisher Navoi奖章,2021 年孟加拉国 Sahitto 际文学奖,2021 乌兹别克斯坦Kitob Dunyosi报纸奖。他在越南出版了16 诗集和1评论散文集。他的29 诗集在国外和亚马逊出版发行。梅文奋的诗歌被翻译成40多种语言。





Source: Baidu








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