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ECHOES FROM THE SPIRAL GALAXY (Collected Poems). Mai Văn Phấn. Translated from Vietnamese by Hồ Liễu. Edited by Susan Blanshard

Mai Văn Phn

English translation by Hồ Liễu

Edited by Susan Blanshard



(Vietnamese version: “thả”)


Poet Susan Blanshard Mundus Artium Press (USA) just published my poetry book, translated into English by Hồ Liễu and edited by poet Susan Blanshard, titled “Echoes from the Spiral Galaxy.” The poetry collection consists of over 600 poems drawn from collection “Letting Go”(Publishing House of The Vietnam Writer's Association, 2015) with an introduction by the literary critic, Dr. Lê Hồ Quang. I would like to thank translator Hồ Liễu, poet Susan Blanshard and Dr. Lê Hồ Quang for their time and effort on this anthology! Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude and affection to poet, Doctor of Philosophy Gjekë Marinaj for his role as the Director of Mundus Artium Press. Mundus Artium Press was founded by Professor Rainer Schulte at Ohio University in 1967.


I would like to introduce to my readers the cover of the book, designed by Prof. Marilyn Waligore. Mundus Artium Press released this poetry book in the United States and on Amazon's book distribution network at theprice of $ 17.95 (Perfect Paperback: $ 17.95). Nhà xuất bản Mundus Artium Press (Hoa Kỳ) vừa ấn hành tập thơ “3 câu” tiếng Anh của tôi, có tên “Echoes from the Spiral Galaxy” (Âm vọng từ thiên hà hình xoắn), do Dịch giả Hồ Liễu và Nhà thơ Susan Blanshard dịch từ bản tiếng Việt. Tập thơ gồm hơn 600 bài rút từ tập thơ “thả” (Nxb. Hội Nhà văn VN, 2015) với lời giới thiệu của nhà phê bình văn học, TS. Lê Hồ Quang. Xin trân trọng cảm ơn dịch giả Hồ Liễu, nhà thơ Susan Blanshard, TS. Lê Hồ Quang đã dành thời gian và tâm huyết cho tập thơ của tôi! Hơn nữa, xin được bầy tỏ lòng biết ơn sâu sắc nhất của tôi tới nhà thơ, TS. Triết học Gjekë Marinaj trên cương vị Giám đốc Nhà xuất bản Mundus Artium Press. Mundus Artium Press và Tạp chí Vă­n học quốc tế và nghệ thuật Mundus Artium được thành lập bởi Giáo sư Rainer Schulte tại Đại học Ohio vào năm 1967.

Xin giới thiệu với các bạn yêu thơ hình bìa tập thơ, do giáo sư nghệ thuật Marilyn Waligore (Hoa Kỳ) thiết kế. Mundus Artium Press độc quyền phát hành tập thơ này tại Hoa Kỳ, đồng thời 
trên mạng phát hành sách của Amazon, với giá 17,95 đô-la Mỹ (Perfect Paperback: $ 17.95).



I – Spring Breath

II – Summer Voice

III – Autumn Wind

IV – Winter Peak

V – The Cup

VI – Mayflies

VII – Running Into The Jungle

VIII – Rice Fields

IX – Ways To The Sea






“The Secret of the Moment”

(Introduction to “Echoes from the Spiral Galaxy”)




By Dr Lê Hồ Quang



Mai Văn Phn’s poetry is a continuing journey of renovation and exploration. Each phase of his creation is marked by interesting works. A consciousness of serious reflection and study of the essence of the world’s great poetic traditions, in addition to an ardent desire towards a voice of contemporary Vietnamese poetry, are all motivation to his ceaseless quest and experimentation. Of course, in parallel to a selective reflection, is his consciousness of building an independent aesthetic point of view. Therefore, his poetic world has undergone various multifaceted transformations, yet consistently keeps the spirit of a movement towards the new, the unaccomplished. It is not closed off, but on the contrary, is ready to call for multidimensional interpretations. From Gi xanh/ Calling to the Blue, 1995; Vách nưc/ Water Wall; Bu tri không mái che/ Firmament Without Roof Cover, 2012; và đt nhiên gió thi/ And Suddenly the Wind Blows, 2009; hoa giu mt/ Hidden-face Flower, 2012 to The Secrets of Light, 2015 we see the new creative state of mind of Mai Văn Phn. The Secrets of Light is the continuous expansion and deepening of the author’s aesthetic view about the world with a prosodic study of three-line composition, multifaceted but consistent. Right with the title – The Secrets of Light – it is implied a radical abandonment of the ego in search of the true face of oneself. By the same reason, The Secrets of Light opens to a particular artistic world where the interior and the exterior, space and time, the individual and the cosmos… seem to be integrated and co-emergent right on/ in the same moment of the true present time, authentic, concrete, and freshly alive proof of the living and life experience of the person. Thus, we may understand The Secrets of Light as a metaphor of time in the manner of Mai Văn Phn – the time of beautiful moments of human existence, worthy of remembering and of living. However, together with the unceasing progress of time, those moments are easily buried and hidden in the perpetual, everlasting, without beginning and without end, revolution of the cosmos. For that reason, The Secrets of Light is also the journey of free fall of the poet’s ego to penetrate deeper into the profound and ambiguous realm of spirit and creativity, in order to explore and reveal the secret of those moments.


In correspondence with the inspiration of time, this book of poetry is mainly composed in the linear order, following the flow cycle of seasons, starting from Spring (and mainly about Spring and Summer, the most beautiful seasons of the year in the poet’s eyes). Nature appears in full with images and feelings on the steps of the seasons. Thus, The Secrets of Light consists of innumerable moments of everyday life contemplated and described through the vision of an individual. We easily encounter here casual scenes of daily activities represented through the ‘reality’ and interested eyes of the poet. Simple and fresh, spontaneous thoughts are tiny fragments of life described in the poems of The Secrets of Light. When refusing the traps of unilateral metaphors and trying to depict life in natural drawing lines without self-conscious intervention, the poet has slowed down the swift flow of time and held up transparent and wonderful moments of existence that have, in fact, disappeared on the trackless current of the busy and dusty realm of human affairs.


With a mindful attitude, but at the same time with a relaxed mind, the poet looks for the implicate dimensions of living, and wakes up the hidden secrets there – the innocent beauty of life. It is not entirely an objective beauty, opposite to and detached from the subject. On the contrary, it is the beauty born from the intimate intercourse between the subject’s soul and the natural environment. However, even in trusting and searching for the wonderful in all moments of existence, and considering it as the sacredness with a great capacity of transforming and purifying human life, he does not mystify or consecrating those moments in an extremist way. In this poet, there is an aesthete’s attitude towards life and creativity, rather than, as much, practical.


But The Secrets of Light does not deal exclusively with nature’s and life’s beauty. The self, preoccupied with human existence, so strongly marked in the previous works of poetry, also returns and takes possession of numerous poems in this book. It is not by accident that The Secrets of Light  has many images of the hooked fish, the caught fish, the fish in cage, the surviving fish… It is a reality full of uncertainty and danger. The image of ‘the hooked fish’ and The Fishes, Bewildered/ Swam around/ the hooked one suggest the terror so that whenever ‘the sleeping surface of water’ is seen, a suspicion of traps still lingers somewhere The Secrets of Light: I cast/ The bait/ Into the middle of the dream… The dark patches of worldly affairs seem to haunt the poems of nature’s description when the poet’s Telling Wild Grasses: The sky/ Has turned dark/ Close your eyes or when he tells us about A child: stopped to watch/ a pig-sticking/ Then went away… Many poems evoke the hauntings of real insecurity in an age of digital technology when people are pursued, controlled, watched over even in their dreams: Of being together/ Filmed on the sky/ In black and white. Sometimes, that tragic reality is expressed by the author by means of a humor noir style of writing, for example: All people/ Write their dreams/ On slips of paper/ To submit to one person. Raised up into a general symbol, in The Historical Feast: Guests just sat down/ The table was hollowed/ Into a grave. In that feeling for human, affairs, the sounds of a boring machine is not merely a casual noise of cityscape, it evokes layers and layers of the feelings about insecurity and powerlessness: Another black hole/ In the dark night/ Intensely black and thus the reader is encircled in the feeling of: Bewildered/ Looking at the way/ In the dark night (‘Reading books’).


Thus, The Secrets of Light is not just an attitude of abandoning worldly life, turning back from existence to pay attention only to spiritual echoes, deep and distant in the inner mind. In fact, here The Secrets of Light is truly a way to help the poet penetrate reality to understand and concisely describe absurd and tragic human situations in sharp lines so that he could reach a fuller and profounder awareness of the values of life that we must have, must attain. It shows that if the nature of the writer’s soul is truly sensitive to and engaged with life, in whatever way, he organizes his images and words in the poems in a rather concentrated field of association. At the center of each poem there is generally an image that at first sight seems very concrete and sensuous, but structurally, it quickly becomes a productive, significant element. The natural conciseness of Mai Văn Phn’s three-line poems is an original creation of value, but on the other side, it implies a challenge to the reader: to recognize beauty and value, the reader has to be a co-creator with the poet.


Accuracy, serenity, and nobility seem to be the overwhelming aesthetic characteristics of The Secrets of Light. Accuracy in the observation, serenity in the state of mind and creativity, way of life to be selected, in whatever way of writing to be chosen, the authentic voice of existence would find the means to be present in their work. The pressure of the three-line style compels Mai Văn Phn to adopt the conciseness of expression, in a symbolic form, but nonetheless we may see the clear-cut and resolute manner of the author’s attitude. Viewed from this angle, the modernity in the meaning of the author’s close attachment to contemporary life, is very marked.


Realizing and comprehending human existence and the cosmos in the depths of universal principles has, become a style of Mai Văn Phn’s aesthetic thinking and this has powerfully influenced the composition of his poems. In this way, the author frequently shows a nobility in the expression of speech. The precision of the observing eye, the ability to discover latent relationships between things and events, the generalizing capacity, and the justness of words used are readily found in the text. But the real connection of the above elements is in fact the rich instinct of poetry, the abundance and humanity of the heart of a person who discovers oneself in the communication with present existence, with plants and seasons, with all creatures, the living as well as the dead, right in the present time and also in distant and mysterious spheres. This blots out the feeling of the sharp rational mind in some other books of poems by the same author. It gives the reader a sense of warmth, together with a natural symbolic aspect in poetics. That is a particular capacity of the author’s sensitive and rich soul.


In that way, the moment is truly Mai Văn Phn’s philosophy of life and art. The moment may offer people to see through the secrets of the cosmos and spirit. In the moment, we may see infinity. It is not easy to live and create in every moment. It compels the artist to ceaselessly overcome oneself to go forward. But, perhaps, that challenge is exactly what constitutes the true beauty and meaning of existence and creativity.


 6 December 2015












Towards the Sun


The worm

And the young leaf

Are close enough





During the Storm


A sprout rises 

Face to face

With the mountain





The Earth


Grasps the roots

The leaves hold sky in their mouths

As the sap rises and falls





Spring Rain


Infuses into the mountain

In deep caves

Massive showers





Young Grasses


Struck with dew

Wait for passing clouds

In mindfulness





One Bean Seed


In the glass bottle

Near the open window

An evening star





My Seed


You sowed

And let go

Has germinated





The Rain


Divides each drop


Between the horse and me





Foot Washing


Sharing a shower

With grasses

And some ants





The Buffalo Calf


Satiated after suckling

Looks at green grass

And its mother





The New Season


The canopy of leaves

Gathered dew

The tree was sweating





The Fault of Rain



Shared the same dream

The seed has emerged from its pod





Early Winter


The bird


With a spring voice







In the morning

I held the potato seedling

Roots across my palm





A Light Drizzle


The elder

Under the umbrella

Walked slowly across the yard






The Steady Rain


Falls drop by drop

Without filling the jar

Still, I can make coffee





A Newly Planted Tree


Is watered

And drenched

With hope





The Wind Razed Grasses


Every morning

I pour boiling water

Into the exhausted teapot





Traces of Sunlight


In golden splendor

Each ray laying

On the palm of my hand





The Southern Wind



To caress

Each blade of grass





Fresh Baked Cakes


Scorching hot from the oven

To be bitten and swallowed

Digested in imagination





Wearing Warm Clothes


Tucking my hand into a pocket

I touched the piece of paper

You gave me years ago





Walking in Rain


Touching one drop

I knew

Its loneliness





The Cricket


After several falls

Taught the drops of dew

To cling to blades of grass





Night Sounds of Insects


Sprouts of grass emerged 

Damp and cool

From the earth





A Veil of White Mist


Fell on green trees

To purify

A dirty puddle





The Buffalo Calf


Pushed its nose


Into the ground





Hammering in a Stake


During sunset

To support the primrose

If frost is heavy





The Shadow of the Night


Oppresses everything

Except the interstice

Of seed and leaves





The Seeds


In self-knowledge


On a broad expanse of soil





Early Morning


The dove

Holding sunrise in its beak

Flies away





After the Sowing


It rained

I grew up fast

In darkness





The Host


Like the seed in a pod

Held securely

In my mouth





The River at Dusk


Flashed past

The hill of apricots

Invisible on the bank





Spring Rain


The earthen pot

In the painting

Is totally drenched












Watching the Garden in Sunlight


Yellow butterflies hovered

Yellow flowers

Carpet the ground






Sitting on the Dunes


Missing you

Slowly I sink

Into the sands






The Tired Butterfly


Perched on the window sill

A breeze blew

Fluttering its wings






Together With Tears


I wrote the letter

To my mother

During the sound of rainfall





Without Rain


Hearing the thunder

Half the lotus petals

Fell apart






On Branches of  Flame-tree


Flowers were weighed down

The wind blew

Earth to sky






Watching Rain


Merely to see

The twining currents

Around the feet of trees






A Change of Season


Thunder struck

On the spot the white stork

Had just left






During the Shower


Taking refuge under the bridge

I found out

What pebbles were thinking





After Rain


The moon just washed


On wet foliage





One Torrid Day


The frog jumped into the pond

You cut open a watermelon

In the shade





On Top of the Hill


I met the rain

Taking pity on fledglings

Lost without feathers





Shower on the Street


People walked

Like whispers

Under their umbrellas





A Clock on the Wall


Hung near an air-conditioner

The second hand

Runs faster







Fly higher on sunny days

I have seen from a balcony

The dragonfly flying alone





The White Sand Beach


I stretched my legs

To reach

The afternoon’s end






The Rainbow


Ran parallel

Along the road

To my front door





To Stave Off Hunger


Right before a meal

Buy whatever’s available

For a secret snack





Palm Leaf Fronds


Weaving to and fro

To cover me

Or the ant hill





The Waning Lotus


From faraway

The white petals

Covered the green stalk completely






The Noon’s Voice


Found blue sky

And tipped it

Into the depth of the well






In Dry Rice Fields


The bittern’s eyes

Saw one grave

Completely drowned in water





By the Expressway


The lotus leaf

Embraced the bud

Recently opened







In the Storm


Grave by grave

Like flexed muscles

Protecting one another







After the thunder

I went into the garden

A simple pea just sprouted





The Cicada Corpse



As summer

Pollinated into fall






A Quieter Sky


I plucked one blade of grass

To predict

The direction of the whirlwind






The Withered Barringtonia Flowers


Several petals


Stuck to the broom






Harvest End


The fields turned white with ducks

Swaying together

Newly piled up haystacks






Heavy Rainfall


Cleaned up the surface of leaves

The caterpillar

Clung to the underside






Rough Seas


The seagull

Hides its wings

Reluctant to fly







Make loud reverberating sounds

In case the coming year

Forgets to give them a voice





Wide Blue Sky


The dragonfly

Flew alone

Highly intoxicated





More Rain


The white heron in the field

Raises its long neck

To look for the sun






In the Middle of the Field


The wind told

A black cloud

About the zenith






The Skirt


As you closed your legs

The afternoon

Turned infinite





Waiting for Rain


The thunder resounding

It’s early

I am falling asleep





The Season of  Longans


People haven’t picked the fruit

That bats

Dare not eat






A Storm is Coming


On the streets

Strangers greet one another

With great affection






The Clear Stream of Water


Ran over pebbles

I placed jackfruit bulbs

One by one on the dish








Half-ripened fruit

Cover their faces with dark night

To reach maturity






The Malabar Almond Ripened at Night


Delicious nut

The night lamp’s light

Sheltered me






One Sunrise


The caterpillar

Indifferent to the morning

Climbed down the leaf






After the Storm


Strong torque of wind

Tides rise

Quiet and stillness of mind






The White Butterfly


Perches on reeds in bloom

I look for its pale shape

Through the rain again






In Garden Hammock


Lying on my back

I touched a bird’s song

It closed my eyes







In Strong Wind


The foliage waving

The nearby wind bell

Chiming and chiming





On the Verandah


The clusters of liana flowers

Keep on dangling

In my absence







The flock of birds

Called one another

To fly against the storm






A Dense Foliage



Left one small


For the spreading sunlight






Summer’s End


The cicadas

Made a mutual funeral 

In tree shadows






The Heron in Rain



At the thought of carrying

The whole flock on its back






The Snipe


Had just flown away

When rain poured down

Showering its perfect perch






The Storm Cleared


The evening star rose early

I picked up

An immature pomelo






The Moon in the Garden


Brings bright and dark places

The light settled on your breast

Shines until tomorrow







Bewildered Bamboo Shoots



From the ground

On a day of storms






Hearing Solitary Thunder


The water spider


Stayed motionless






Mother’s Lullaby


Sung softly

Reminds me

Of passing storms





Enter the Shade


To look for

The sun

Inside cool foliage





The Red Pepper Dragonfly


Impassively perched

On the pond’s border

During the absence of people





The Star is Extinct


Barringtonia flowers

Now cover

The entire ground






The Young Bird


Raised its voice

Up to

The drop of mist





In the Clear Blue Sky


A single cloud


Another world






When I Drank the Water


The cup was left

With the moon

Shining on the bottom





Collecting Water


As sweet rain 

Filled up the bucket

I watched it spill over the brim





Dreaming of Being a Raft


Early morning

Waking afloat

My back lashed to a reed mat






The Drop of Dew



As the iron bell

Was tolling





The Starling


Picked up

Drops of light

To sow into the shade






The Rain is Falling



Is scooped up

Bucket by bucket




The Cluster of Water Hyacinths


Trapped at the bridge foot

The river flowed over

To wash their tired feet






The Flooded Base of the Dyke


The bright moonlight


To hold down the water level






Flood Water


The more the flood reached out

The more the dawn rose up

To equal the water






In Tall Foliage


A solitary bird

Sang by itself

As clear as crystal






Seeing the Moon


Embrace the tree’s shadow

I fell asleep

With no reason




The Perfume of Persimmon


Fully ripened

I inhale her fragrance

With the wind





The Storm Warning


A flock of birds

Scattered bewildered

I turned and walked away





In Mother’s Garden



Built their nests

Close to the ground








A sudden rain

Showered the trees

And departed





The Perfume of Michelia



Through a shrub of thorns

All the more enchanting







Sprinkled with Sesame Seeds


The simple cake

Baked in the oven

The sky became full of stars





The Grand Old Tree


So luxuriant

At its base

My plants and flowers took refuge






Hands Clap



Beats a better sound

On banana leaves






Black Clouds



Drop by drop

Dark crystalline sorrows





In the Artist’s Studio


During thunder

The colors vibrated together

One painting to another












Seeing Ripe Fruit on Trees


Let your feet go

Into the running water

Dont think of anything





White Chrysanthemum Flower


The sunset


Dyes it darker





Nesting bird


The silvereye’s song

Knits around me

Round by round these silken threads





Peeling a Grapefruit


Yellow peel continuous

Hung on the clothes-line

Until sky turns bluer







Late Autumn


Tasting ripe persimmon

While seeing

Green fruit on the tree





Ripe Fruit


Reluctant to be picked

As if someone is holding

Me back






Cutting a Yam Bean


Pure white flesh

Washed clean

By reluctant hands





Autumn’s Coming


Wind penetrates trees

Change them into new clothes

Then leaves




On Cold Dry Days


The wind


The fan





First Morning of Autumn


As wind blows through the back door

I calmly

Go out the front





At the End of Autumn


Leaves around the pagoda fall

Incense smoke

Rises up to the sky





When Sacred Bodhi Leaves



The wind may blow

But they do not rise





The Butterfly Corpse


Rises up


In autumn wind






A Brittle Leaf



The ground

Still rolls round and around






Cooking Fish in Brine


Adding spices

The dry sunlight

Bakes so many things





The Autumn Sky


The fruit are ripe now

Raising the pot

To pour tea through its spout





Yellow Leaves



For cleared ground

Before falling down





Autumn Raindrops


The summer stream of water

The white stork

The river's surface bubbles






Autumn Afternoon


One pebble


Silently on the ground




Alone at Home


Paring a persimmon

It seems a somebody's figure

Passed like a ghost close by





Moonlight on Base of Tree


On the altar

The persimmon

Has just ripened






End of Autumn



Helped one another

Return to earth






The Spider


Wove its last web


Autumn will be over





One Dry Day



Leaves from the Bodhi tree


Like raindrops






The Autumn Flow


Yellow leaves

Fall on the corpses

Of dead yellow leaves







The seed gourd

Hanging on the lattice

Was withering






I am in the Middle


Of a ripe fruit

Between the skin of sky

And high side of ground







Sunlight at Autumn’s End



Into a spiders web

To slowly pull me up





The Succulent Persimmon


Reached out ripe

To preserve

The whole autumn





The Dense Mist


I looked up

For a long time

A single dewdrop







Mountain Peak in Autumn


In the distance

You can't see the mountain base

Only a peak is visible





The Sword Squash



Pulls lacy tendrils

Towards pond's surface






On the Road


Meeting the white chrysanthemum

Without an appointment

I dare not stay too long





The Wind Runs in Circles


In fear of

The random scattering

Of dry leaves





Mid Autumn Festival This Year


The moon

And tree shadows

All are silent






The Rustling of Leaves


All night long

I lay

Under autumn wind





A Patch of Sunlight


Laying down

Turns over

The driest leaf





Withered Lotus Flowers


In the moonlight

The swamp’s surface

On fire








August Sunlight


In August sunlight pomelo fruits are scorched ” *


Everything turns dry

The hands on fire

Give firmer grasp


* A Vietnamese proverb





A Sound Sleep


Waking up


Laying across my chest





The Season of Guava


Dreaming to be a ripe fruit

Also dreaming

To be a lapwing





Ripe Autumn


Thinking about you

All the time

Your sweet mouth





Cool Taste


Drinking water

How your lips

Touch the glass





The Falling Leaves


Held by autumn wind

For a long time

Before released to the ground





The Pomelos


Plead with the orchard

To sit

On the ground






The Stem of Autumn


Kissing you

My whole body

Turned passionately ripe








Stretched out

To touch

The flower stalk




Conversations of Ripe Fruit


Promise not to drop


Other fruit have dropped





A Worm Lay Listening


To the gardener


Each ripe fruit





A Strawberry


Obeying my mouth


My tongue crimson red






Rice Fields in Autumn


Moving up

And down

The plough blades sharpen







On the Hill


The pregnant cow

The bending rice

The bird sitting on eggs





The Milk Tree Flowers



Tiny white petals

Hurry to yield another blossoming





Moon Fall



Around tree base

Under resplendent foliage





In Ancient Quarters



Watching one another

Fell quite silently







Transparent Sky


Washing day over

Clothes hung up

Spread evenly over wires












The Sun Flower




Through the fog





Listening to Music


Frying maize

Young seeds

Were chattering





At the Temple Gate


Picking a flower

The wind blew in

To cool the statues feet







During Sleep


On leg under the blanket

The other outside

Dreaming about the meeting point






Called one another

To move forward

In the fog






A Singing Bird


Voice through fog

A bullet flew by






A Dream of Becoming a Young Bamboo Shoot



Discarding the blanket

To free old sheaths





Mist Falling


Denser and denser

To cover bushes of thorns

Sharp peaks of rocks





In Thick Mist


A flower pecker

Hopped branch to branch








A winter wind


As the autumn






A Breeze



The picture frame

To the wall





A Smoke Screen



The pile of firewood

About to become charcoal






Cold Wind Blew


Gust by gust


Stood close to one another






One Winter Morning


The young woman

Swept malabar almond leaves

With absent-minded eyes






The Coming of Winter


Wearing warmer clothes

A sudden thought

Watermelon left in the refrigerator




Chrysanthemum Tea


Concocted by fire

Is unlike

The fragrance of the real flower





Farewell to Autumn


The cat and I

Fell asleep

When autumn left





A Flock of Birds


Flew laboriously


The not quite twilight





Thirsty Trees


The clouds tease

Gather around

Then disperse





A Cold Wind Announced


The novice monk

Wiped the pagoda gate

With hurried hands





One Winter's Night



Gathered together

To warm each other up





Close to Dawn


A cold wind


My midsummer dream





Hoar Frost


On the river


The boats sides cold






On a Cold Night


The leaf

Covered warmly

The worm







Were falling

The tree trunk shrank

Past autumn





The Winter Wind


Slipped through

The door

Of your perfumed coffee shop





Night Sky


Dewdrops hang

Either in front

Or behind the roof




Following a Band of Light


On the back

Of a bird

About to fly off






The Shadow of an Old Tree



Onto decaying

Flowers and grass





Watching the Shade of Sunlight



The hollow

Innards of the tree




The Magnolia in Bloom



To walk into the garden

With silent steps




Seasons Change


The foliage

Gathers dew

The tree in a sweat












Hell Under Flower Bushes



Of hellfire

Flower by flower





Chopping Firewood



Bundle by bundle

Without thoughts of fire





Wet Towel On My Face


Craning my neck

Water dropped

Nearer to suffocation






You Were Drinking Coffee


I received your message

By the lake

The water surface turned darker





Near the Pagoda


Sutra recitation resounding

As the lizard

Crawled across the rock





Cutting the Tree


To make firewood

Drying out logs

Takes a long time





The Time of Seeding


Was over

I took a bath

A long time spent cleaning





In the Dark


Reaching for a bottle of water

Its nature unknown

Until the sip I was drinking





Watching Fire with Eyes Closed


The light

Like a white pill

Dissolved quickly






A Friend’s Visit


The bike placed

In the shade

Announced your arrival





After Drinking


Place the glass


Towards the sea






Serving Tea


Inventing a story

Let the power bill collector

Drink at their leisure





Keeping the Cage


After the last bird

Had flown away

I shut the hinged door





Dreaming I was Sprouting



Waking up

I saw potato cuttings

Piled up with the knife





Sitting Alone


I examined

One nail

Driven deep into my wall







Girl and boy kissing

As if pounding stakes

Into the surface of the Earth





Birds Stopped Singing


To drink water

Their voices

Turned quiet





All Pervasive Feeling


Early summer

People asked for poems

To print on the new year's calendar






Seeing a Pregnant Woman Passing by


I searched for the right pole

To support bunches of bananas






Dreaming of an Open Door


Waking up

I sent you a message

Fix the lock







Even in silent recitation

Still anxious about my breath







In the Bathtub


Obsessing over my faults

I kept washing

One foot only






Sea Mist


The daughter insistently requested

The X-ray film

Of her fathers decayed tooth






Blank Sound


Another black hole

In the dark night

Stark black






Dreaming of Ripe Fruit


Waking up

My mouth aromatic and sweet

Not sure why






During a Full Moon


In the pagoda garden

Barringtonia procera flowers fell

Into a tray of steamed sticky rice







Scooping Water From the Well


Hearing sutra recitals

I wait for a quiet space

To wash my face





The Gate of the Pagoda


In the sunset

Yellow sunlight

Pouring from the inside out






While Tea Infuses


I watch a nightingale


Inside the leaf canopy







My Heart is Quiet


A glass

Pressed on a piece of paper

Still flutters at the edges






The Child


Holding warm cake

Waited for the flight of the kite

Before taking a bite






Red Light at Crossroads


An elder who fell

In front of a car

Raised both hands to stop it





Open the Drawers


A set of old clothes

Spread scent in the wind

A sample of their owner







In Front of the Computer


Surfing the net

Without a reason why

Leads me back to the anti-virus








The Signal Star Shell


Laying dumb on the ground

A few minutes later

Lights up flares in the sky






Enjoying Tea


My friend gave up his seat for me

The chair facing the gate

Directly forward






Open Gate


The cat

Turned to look at me

From head to foot






End of Day


A child

Fried popcorn

The dike bank turned golden







Morning or Afternoon


The cup of tea

In the picture

Grows more intense






From the Home Well


A bucketful of water

Revived the plants

With heavy drops






The Spider Mother


Wove silken threads

Into a blanket

To embrace her bag of eggs








In a circle

Petals fall

To leave behind naked calyx






Lone Sparrow


Pecked at the moss

In gradual withering

Then flew away






The Ideal Product


Penetrated my hair

I lift my hat

You raise the flag






Awake Early


Filling a tub

Washing garments

Before sunrise






Ten O’clock Flowers


I'll take care of the plants

Water them tomorrow

At the same time






Neighbors are Home



On closed doors

Becomes louder





Hearing Hammering


Through the door

Early morning

Shines on each grain of dust





Taking Refuge in the Temple


The wind blew out the lamp

In such a moment

Only look outwards





Green Light


The vehicles behind

Sound their loud horns

To rush past everyone





Incense Offering to Ancestors


Complete with meat,fish

Rice wine

Subdued lamp light





The Bees


Returned to see their hive

Once stuck to a branch

Now down on the ground





The Hen Laying Eggs


At dawn

Completes the white

With the yolk








Each ants walking step 

Carrying food to the hill





Holding Your Hands


As two fledglings


On one anothers shoulders







Tying bundle by bundle

Sunset darker and darker

Without getting entangled





Dreaming About Father


Thoughts so pathetic

Beyond endurance

Make me glad to wake





When I Missed You


A pharach ant

Crawling across my leg

Dares not bite





Maternal Grandchild


Listen to birdsong

Let me pick you

A bunch of early ripe lychee





While I Watched


The flowing clouds

Rendered the sky transparent

As they advanced






A Cure for Hiccups


Laying one side

Then the other

Divides the room equally







Night Falls


Shop signs


Into darkness





Market Day Over


The unsold dog

And the dog seller

Look at each other






Early Mist


With tender tongue

The puppy

Absorbs more than a dish of milk






Sky Canopy


Lying back








Pressing the Pillow


I know that

Birds are plucked

Naked of feathers






Clock Ticking



After the rain

The sound is somewhat changed






Rearranging Furniture


Dissatisfied after many tries

I stop to watch

The bird hop on wooden branches






That Flower


Whats its name

With a scent

Of mothers own perfume






In a Dream


The night curtain cast its net

Carried away by clouds

I remained alone





So Lovely


The boy kept playing with dirt

Grimy face

Please don't wash it off





Drinking Coffee in the Garden


I kept one mouthful

In wait for

The cuckoo’s song





The Carnation Blossom


Bent by the wind

Held by the hand

Of the earth





At the Tea Table


Listening to the story

Each person faces the same direction

Please take another cup





The Worm


Crawls onto a leaf

From time to time

Twisted torture





The Children’s Game


A dragonfly

And a chili fruit

Sharing dreams





A Stones Throw


Playing ducks and drakes on water's surface

To drive away the kingfisher

Who stays too long, loses






Turning on the Fan


The furniture

And I

All whirl together





Outstretched Arms


The ladybug

Looked back and decided

To teach me how to fly





Returning Home


Locking the steel door

Relaxed enough

To look down on people passing by






The Puppy


Stomach full from sucking

Looks up at its mother

Then searches fur for teats





Anniversary of  Grandfather's Death


Burning incense sticks

Ten-oclock flowers

In full bloom






For the Rose


Without warning

Your thorns

Just pricked me






As I Lay Listening


To bird song

Chirps and trills fly off

In many directions






Pouring Tea


Waiting for

Your fragrance

To fill the living room






Contemplating the Slope


At night I dream

About a flower

Missing its step






The Frog on Father’s Grave


Hush hush

It has been standing guard

For a long time





Just Opening the Door


From inside

The butterfly rushed out

And hovered in front of me






The Lipstick Flower


That is you

My flower

With your face upturned





Watching Birds in Flight


Like child's play

Wishing to be in front

Now wishing to be behind







On the back of

The hen

Hatching her eggs






The Temple’s Light


One mouthful of water


The thirst






Sobering Up


The sunset


In the water-jar





Finding a Fallen Nightingale


Hold the bird in a hat

Then carefully put

It back






The Scent of Magnolia


At midnight

Penetrated the room

I withdrew to the edge of the bed 







Before Leaving


I washed the towel

And hung it

On the clothesline









Drinking Cool Water


Looked at an ant


Into the shade





On my Arrival


The aglaia flowers


In another wave





The Dog


Stopped barking

At the rain

And snuck under the table





At the Spot Marked by the Moon


I upturned soil

To plant

A chrysanthemum






Tying the Kite String


A child played hopscotch

The earth

Also hopped along





A Drop of Water on the Tree


Stayed overnight

To wait for

Me to come






In Sorrow


Wherever I went


Turned away









With the appearance of

Kwan Yin Bodhisattva

The lotus petals bowed down







Looking in the mirror

While washing my face

Water rushed at me from the faucet






Bringing the Plant Pot Inside



To save

Yellow leaves





A Sketch


A bird

Flying across Autumn

Left smoky trails on the sky





A Flock of Sparrows


Searched for food

In the place

A child had been






At Sunset


The cluster of pomelo flowers

And the monk

Turned scarlet





Under the Starry Sky


A toad in a dark corner


Or is it asleep






Feeding an Oriole


After drinking tea

I collected dregs

To plant another orchid





An Old Man


 Lifted his net

Above the water's surface

And called his childs name







On the Mound


I watched

A stork

In its futile search for prey





Dreaming of Rain


Waking up

I saw you

Weaving silk threads





On a Sunny Day


Maintenance people

Brought up

Rolls of wallpaper





Waiting for Flowers to Bloom


I set up a chair

Four legs squared

To sit under moonlight






Needle Grass Flowers


Stuck to my trousers

I detangle the needles

Of my native homeland






In the Park


When the child left 


Perched on the wooden see-saw






A Spider Web



On the power pole

And I

Swinging in electricity






Picking Flowers in My Garden


I chose new buds

And early dewdrops

Offerings on Fathers altar





Turning on the Faucet


While a rain cloud

Is gathering

Over the roof





As You Were Leaving


A red chili dragonfly


Above you





When I Was Tired


A mouse

Came closer

To gnaw on my toes





Going Down in the Lift


Its raining

Half a dozen people

Held in a drop of water





Horse Riding



Of riding the wind

To help the horse gallop





Watching a Seashell


Shut its valves

I hurried home 

Shut the door





Disturbed Sleep


Opening the door

I knew

The moon was lying on the roof







Were laying


In dark drawers





Early Morning Rain


Under luxuriant foliage

I pared a pear

More than generous pieces





Evening Bells


Absorbed in reading

I only heard

The final tolling






Holding a Flower


As small as your buttonhole

I did not know

Where to put it





So Preoccupied


Tea turned cold

I saw the fragrance

In the picture




The Green Frog



At duckweeds






Before Sleep


Carefully fluffing the pillow

To prepare feathers

Flying to another dream





The Tree


Waited for the child

To sit on the swing

Before the wind blew






A Sleeping Cat


Watching its belly moving

The patch of early dawn

Was coming







Boiling Sweet Potatoes


Just finished

The sunset

Turned deeper





Missing a Step


I hit

A dream

Forgotten by someone





Near the End of a Birdsong


I covered my ears

So many wings beating






Yesterday’s Calendar Page


Was discarded

Then picked up

To use the other side





Coals in the Stove


Almost dying

I saved another one

At the point of blazing





As I Lay Reading


I fell asleep

Right on the line

… water rose to the boats sides





The Grandchild at Play



To call grandpa

To share the flower's blossoming





The Tree Trimmer


Cut branches and boughs

Protruding outside the cage

Each week





A Still-life Drawing


A pencil stub

A piece of white paper

Slow as the sketching





Brewing Coffee


Hearing a nightingale’s song

This is your note

And this is mine





Closing a Window


How empty spaces

After daylight

Seem grander





An Old Radio


After frequent tuning

Raises its voice

Hold your breath to hear







Image of the mosquitos corpse


Its bloody biting before







With a small drainpipe

Water simply

Flooded the house





At the Village Pond


Crabs and snails

Kept silent

When I asked questions





Prepared for a Dream


Listening to bird song

Laying on my back

Every thought crystal clear





A Train Passing by


The dragonfly

And child

Take refuge in the hedge





As I Drank a Cup of Tea


A snail


Crossing half the wall





Young Voice Breaking


I sang in a tenor voice

About the impossibility of returning

To the sound of childhood





A Bird Flying


Saw me

As a point

In an eye





Waterfall Sounds


I shared

With you

Half and half





Kissing You


The bird

Opened its eyes

And flew away





The Swallow


On the top of the tower

Waiting for bells tolling

Before taking flight





Climbing the Stairs


Step by step

I remembered an event

Twenty years ago






The Patterns



On the back

Of a wooden horse






A Gust of Wind



Farther and farther

Only the flower remains




Landscape Portrait Photo


With the lock in the background

The photographer said

Cheer up and smile





The Child Going to Grade One Class



What his parents said

Do not cry, keep a tight face





Frog Sounds at Night


Pushed me

Through the narrow gap

Into another dream






The Mother Bird


Feeding her young ones

As the sun

Was setting





A Mother


Watched her child sucking

Her milk

Came again




The Day


Close to its end

I place the bundle of silk

In the drawer









The pebble

Became clean





Eating Peanuts


Drinking a cup of tea

Birds pecking

Moss off the roof





Several Days’ Silence


Hearing no bell toll at prayer time

This morning I heard

The bell-ringer was dead





Snapping Pomelo Tree Thorns


To extract snails meat

I felt

Deep nostalgia




Burning Rice Stalks


The dog

And I

Keeping watch over mice holes





In the Middle of Ploughing


Cool wind

Penetrates a body

By itself





The Old Angler


Fish did not eat his bait

Just dashed up

To snap on bubbles






Eating an Orange


Segment by segment

The other half

Refreshes the room






The Cup


I drank

During flower contemplation

Forever fragrant




The Gorgeous Warbler


Was chirping

Then flew away

Beyond my understanding






A Jet Plane’s Roar


Looking up

White clouds






Looking at You


I changed

Into lighter clothes

To feel the cool air






With a Clay Bird



On the window sill

The wind blew stronger





I Stretched Out my Hand


To hold up

The poem

As the tower fell down





Good News


Like a baby

At mothers nipple

Sleeping peacefully





Hand in Hand


We looked

At the sun

Slower in its setting






As You Passed by


Did you know

The reeds on the road side

Turned to watch





Behind the Stage


As the curtain was rising

The protagonist

Stole another pie








The Magpie


Raised its voice

The areca tree

Stretched higher






Just Perfect


A coffee cup

Morning sunlight

One bird flying by





Noon Rest




All with muddy feet





Figures on an Ancient Dish


A poor scholar

Watching the moon

White trousers faded background





A Challenge for a Grandchild


I dare you to become a kite

Sleep well

The bandage is nearly dry





Burning Worldly Goods


Of the recently deceased

The acrid smoke

Of medicines





An Arched Window


Seemed from a distance

 Like embers of coal

 Endlessly burning






A Pine Tree


The child

Took care

To draw its needles





The Rain Ceased at Midnight


The roof


Was not yet clean












Strong Wind




From mouths of green grass





Ladybird Near The Meeting


Heard the plan 

Too frightened

To fly away





On The Arboured Tree


The bird

Came to perch

On yesterday’s branch 





On Writer Nguyên Hồng’s Statue


His beard

Shared sunlight

With a white butterfly





By The Newly Fallen Tree


The bird

Did not pick at feed

Only bowed its head





Out of Tune


The candle-tree nuts


Outside the brick yard





Reading the Fifteenth-century Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm’s Oracles


The book binding

Kept those characters

For over five hundred years





Sound of Stone Blasting in the Mines


Outside clouded by dust

I rearrange the furniture






The First Lesson


The child

Wore new trousers

Too many zippered pockets





Corpse of an Earthworm


Close to a dirt hole

Was it a departure

Or a home-coming





Entrance to the Shrine


Leaning an umbrella against the wall

As the prayer finished

The umbrella fell horizontal





Attending a Funeral


Descendants were busy returning bows

In the alley visitors faced

Rising winds





With the Sun


The stagnant pond

And dewdrops

Become close friends





The Day Flies


The dark night










Rush into fire


Follow their kind






Angling in the Rain


Casting the fishing line

Live or fake bait

Caught in confusion







Clumps of earth

Passing through the furnace

Become good friends







Everlasting through time

In a crisis

Turn invisible





In a Festival


Packed with people

I stop

To fasten the last button






The Sound of Hands Clapping


Reminds me

Of waterfalls

Or is it the chopping of forest trees





The Torch


Close to the beehive

Only queen bee and larvae

The drones are busy seeking flowers





During Waking Hours


The chairs dream of touching the table

The table

Dreams of other chairs







Panic stricken

Swam around

The one hooked by the bait





The Day’s End



Engrossed in debating

About ways of baiting




A Lotus Flower



I held my breath

In fear of my own odor




In the Shrine of the Mother Goddess


Listening quietly

I heard good things

From people beside me





The Doll


Didn’t know

It would be discarded

This very evening




As I Arrived


The butterfly flew away







Paddy Rice Grain


A flock of brown sparrows flew down

Who knows

Which one will be full 





Waiting for  Coal to Cool


Tipping a water basin

The fish swam away

Not knowing it was released





A Tree Stump


Sheltered by its neighbor

At the rising

Of the moon







Brown Sparrow and I


Two directions

The meeting point

Amidst the sky





The Surface of a Beautiful Lake


Constant calm

Without the appearance

Of a single fish





The Kingfisher


Did not take flight

In the belief

Of becoming a fish in the next life





The Sound of Gunshot


A bullet







A Flower Vase


Taro leaves

Become background

For other flowers





At Vespers


Bells were tolling

A frog stood solemnly

At the mouth of its cave





People Dream of Other Worlds


Trees dream

At night

Of being indoors





The Stunned Fish


Was caught

By a hook without bait

Dangling in water





The Season of Turtle Doves


All fields

Densely laid

With traps






The Big Fish



As if dead

In a shallow water-hole





The Offering to the Buddha was Over


A school of little fish jostled

At the water surface

Begging for food





Wandering Lonely Ghosts


Visited the fish tank

To take dry food

As no offerings had been left






The Dove Flew Overhead


As consolation

To a windless







The Familiar Path



The clever snail

Changed its direction





A Fish-shaped Kite



The dream

Up to heaven






The Sleepy Water Surface


I cast

The bait

Into the middle of a dream





A Strange Bird’s Song


From the foliage

Searched in vain

Tomorrow then






Message For a Released Fish


Dive to the depths

And swim

Don’t bite baited hooks





The Decoy Stork


Eyes sewn shut

To prevent it pecking

At the master’s





In Early Morning Mist


The barbed-wire fence







The Heron


Stood still on a grave

Perhaps it met

Somebody at rest





The Grasses Advance


Open fields

Heavy rains

The soil not yet eroded





At Chanting of Prayers


Fish in the pagoda’s pond

Were dazed

Not splashing





Listening to Bird Song in Trees


Becoming aware

Of many things






In the Countryside


Mother-in-law complained

About her daughter-in-law

Breaking banana leaves





Endless Wind


Ignored tree blossom






Dreaming of Turning Into a Mouse


I awoke to ripe fruit

To scared to eat

Fearful of chemicals





White Clouds


Flew between

Transparent sky

And muddy waters





Knowledge After Drinking









Warning Wild Grasses


The sky

Has turned dark

Close your eyes





Knowing Bell Sounds


In the wind

The reeds

Bowed their heads




A Lark



Above its head

Another bird sings





Another World



The bird’s cage

Covered by cloth









Firewood Drying



In the garden






A Flock of Sparrows


Pecked at paddy rice

At the feet

Of the scarecrow





Wearing a Mask


Going to the garden


Remain indifferent







Cold wind


The beaks of birds





A Historical Feast


As guests sat down

The table was hollowed

Into a grave





A Secret Dream


Of being together

Projected on the sky

In black and white





In the Enchanted Light



Keep going

Without looking back





The Group of Roots


Hitting a rock

Climbed back

Along the ground





Measuring Eyesight


Vision in focus

Might reveal

The utmost truth





A Good Neighbor


Decidedly drunk

Made a slip of the tongue

‘I am watching you’





A Radio Set


Loud speaker


Full of spider webs





Eels in Basket




In the mud





Near to Autumn’s End



Immersed in herbal solution

Never have to ripen





Trees in a Small Alley


Could not know

The beginnings of sunrise

Or end of sunset





All People


Write their dreams

On slips of paper

To submit to one person





The Heart



In an early ray of sunlight






The Cat


Played with the mouse

Until death

Then left





The Earth Took Fire



From generation to generation

Dreams had been cultivated





The Old Vehicle



Emitted smoke

In the middle of Autumn





It Took a Long Time


To hear out

The cry

Of a wounded bird






Human Effigies to be Sacrificed


All look alike

Inscription of names

For the burning





A Long Train


The last wagon

Can’t hear the engine

Still it is pulled





Street Lights


Cast down

Preventing me

From seeing the sky





Dead Fish


Floating on the river

Last night

What did you dream of






The Cutting Board


Sawed from

A tree trunk

While still living





In a Narrow Cage


The dog

Could not

Look back




Other Fish


Could not understand

The fish

Caught on the hook





Pet Birds


The magpie

Stared into the jay’s cage

Same kind of seed





I Kneeled


To kiss the flower petals

The plant top






Aware of My Eyes


The lone ant


To the edge of the abyss





The Well and the Water Jar


Both dreamed

Of osmanthus perfume

Each and every night





On the Boat


Those who think

About stupid things

Dare not dip their hands into water





The Flower Pecker


Pecks at

Sharp thorns

But never falls into a trap






Two Trees


At day’s end


Their shadows






The Age


Will pass by

The place where I am standing

As a blind person






The Bear Kept at Home


In a cage

Always looks in the same direction

Encircled by stares





The Glass Marble


Hit the wall


It could not fly





A Dead Fish


Drifted to the bridge piers

Hears stories

From passers-by





The Planning of Roads


Drawing a straight line

Without regards

Of what’s in the way





A Bird Cage


The gorgeous rays

Of sunlight

Refused to enter





Strict Treatment


Of the disobedient


By secret ballot





Holding Precious Things


At night

Everything is known

By thieves





I Am



In the pot

Waiting for my boiling point





Feeding Birds


I cast paddy rice

In the shade

Birds peck at moss in sunlight





Two Clocks


In the same room

With conflicting chimes

So annoying





Watching the Flow of Water


I don’t know

How to tell

My child about this






Hearing Parrot Sounds


The leaf


The worm






Some Day Soon


We will look for

The dead

To ask for the truth












A Landscape Painting


The eucalyptus tree doesn’t know

Its soul

Is in the river







The mountain shadow

Tinged the old man’s beard

Carrying home herbs in a basket





The Rites of Heavenly Worship


A nightingale singing

The sound of falling fruit

A girl sitting on a rock






The Coming of Sunset


Leaves on trees


Reluctant to enter darkness





The Wind Blew Over The Hill


Entering the house

It extinguished flames 

Of the altar lamp






Bird-less Forest


A hunter

Sat alone

Finger thoughtlessly on the trigger






I Walked


Trees walked

Wind blew

Leaves fell in front of me






A Spring


Taking water from both sides

Of a spring

Taking from one another






The Wren


Bending a branch of bamboo

Waits for sunset

To take flight






The Lost Deer


Stand right there

Don’t go anywhere

Your Mother is coming now






Entering the Forest



All trails are wonderful

Sit here

Let’s wait for spring






A Pagoda on the Mountain


The elder monk


Strikes the bell






Night is Coming


The leaf

Changed its color

To crimson red








The birds among reeds

Will fly far away

How can I wave goodbye to them






The Fireplace


Boiling sweet potatoes

Ears of corn for grilling

Ardent red is all covered up






The Old Ironwood Tree


Stands still

The wind

Blows gently






What Birds Tell Each Other



The sun will shine 

Go to sleep now






Together We Imagine


Making a rosary

Each pebble a prayer

Under our feet






The Eucalyptus Tree


While blooming


Of another spring






Pelargonium Flowers


Fluttered in the wind

The shirt on my body

Wears thinner






Flowers on Pulo Condor/ Côn Sơn Island


Are fragrant

The transparence of spring

Threaded through shiny pebbles






A Huge Hill




Tiny flowers








A bow of clouds

With birds form

An arrow in flight






Through the Door’s Crack


I heard


No waterfalls






The Roe-deer


Darted into the forest

Rushed out

At the sound of gunshot






Lost in the Forest


I met a frog


Guarding the trail






A Vacant Shrine



Taking a bath

In the sound of spring






The Leaves Falling


Into the spring


Like water boiling






The Little Frog


Clutches a branch

As river flows

From the source








From a Thorn Bush



Flew out








In Clear Moonlight











Watching the Hill


Submerge slowly

Into the fog

I moan softly







Dense Forest


Trees block vision

I move forward

By grabbing branches






By the Roadside


Picking a flower

Such color

In a wild one






A Mountain


Earth choked

To blossom

At the foot of the mountain






A Big Apple


Taking small bites

Cool juice

Flowing from mountain springs





All of a Sudden


Water flooded the lake


Hollowed out guava fruits







A Deep Well


Strenuous efforts to dig

In the hope of

Meeting moonlight






At the Foot of the Mountain


I bent down to see

A dewdrop unbroken

Under  pressure







The Squirrel


Snuck about

Between dark night

And sunrise






Reed Flowers


Grew high

To hide

A deserted tomb







The Eagle’s Flight


At dawn

Divides the world in half

With its eyes






 Powder Milling


With the sound of water flowing

The foot of the mountain

Turn soft as powder












I Think


The brown sparrow

Suddenly changed direction 

Flying with new purpose





Trees Around the House


Raised their feet

At night

To wait for the orchard passing









In close flight

Let me see the trees in silhouette






Picking Lotus Flowers


Having a blossom

Open like a prayer on my hand

I returned home






Night Fell


I did not want to dip

My muddy sandals

Into the clear stream






A Swimming Teal


Stared at me

On a fresh gust of wind

Everything drifts in another direction






Happy News


Hearing happy news

The girl wore a hat

With tree silhouettes






A Vacant Park


Two butterflies perched

For a long time

Without flying






Hearing the Sound of Water


At the point of overrunning

My heart

Was in the flow






Underground Veins of Water


I dropped a bucket into the well


Trees and plants were whispering






Narrow Earth


At the fog diminished

I thought the crowd

Had dissipated






Right at Water’s Edge


The river pulled

The soul of trees and plants

From the banks






The Water Course


Flows downwards

With opposing wind

It seems to flow upstream






Walking into the Night Garden



I bang against the scarecrow

A sudden shape of sadness






Wood and Fire


Trees in the garden

Are sighing

As fires blaze up






A Small Pond


With pipes set


The large river






Under Tree Shadows


Intention unseen

The river flow








The Croaking of Frogs


From unknown places

In the dark

The frog-catcher was afraid






The Magpie


Swooped down

I felt myself

Caught in the same ascent






Just Coming


The wind


The banana palm






The Tree Shadow




Right in the middle of the road






Looking at a Picture


The swallow takes flight

Covering the earth

I see it fly amidst the sky






A Small River


With stone paved banks

Water swirls

As it flows






A Night Oriole



To share moonlight

With tree shadows






The River at Night


Flows through the village


Are enriched with silt






Tree Tops



But the heart of the lake

Is still






The Hedge Trees


Stand firm

The spider

Weaves its web






The Lake Surface


Ruffles gently

Mountains and clouds

Disperse rapidly






In a Puddle


A pulpul

Washed itself

As clouds tremble








When Flowers Were Blooming


An earthworm


Into the ground






A bird is Singing


Lower branches

And higher ones

All a flutter






Here I Am


The sunset


Garden flowers 








A Swamp Hen Called


From time to time

Some sound

Enters through the door’s crack






Meeting an Angler


With full basket

I moved

Across the quiet surface of water







Suddenly a Flower


A bird soared up

Carrying sweet fragrance

Into the distance






The Mouse Left Its Hole


Nightfall hurried

Mimosa flowers

Closed their eyes






On the River



The mist







By the River



Reflects water surface

Brightens everyone






The Surviving Fish



The people fishing

Had long gone






The Wagtail


Flew over the open fields


To sow seeds






On the Still Lake


The swamp hen


Flew over






This Morning


I am aware of

The soul of fragrant grass

The voice of crickets






On the Dike


Was I led

By its quiet slope

Or by flute sounds






The Heron


Escaping the trap

Vented its voice

Towards the ground






On the Fields



Stooped low

To flood paddy stalks






The White Stork


Perches on bamboo

As I stoke a fire

To light a candle






A Heron’s Call


Just the second bugle

In support

Of one another






In a Puddle


Of still water

The moon

Couldn’t go anywhere else












At the Isthmus


Between currents of clear water

And the muddy

A fish swims in trepidation







The Sea So Heavy


Clams shut tight









Morning on the Beach


The early rising seagull


While I was still asleep







Clear Water


Shrimps and fish

Swam by my side







Fish Swam With the Sun


Raising waves

Surface of water swells

In such a hurry






Splashing Sounds


From memory

Or from the sky

Cry of a fish in hunger







Waves Rise on Cliffs


Mollusks build their homes

On backs of

Petrified ones








Before a wave ends

The oyster

Shuts its valves






The Seas Secret


The oyster drifted onto beach

Opened its mouth

Then rolled by waves






Casting Anchor at Sunset


I landed ashore

While friends of mine

Preferred to stay aboard







Without Human Presence


Waves swiftly

Wipe the beach







Market at a Beach Village


Rough roaring waves

And tender

Faces of fishmongers 






Lan Hạ Lagoon


Is broken into pieces

Of blue water

From mountain creeks






Dry Fish


Lie side by side


To the beach






A Visit to the Hidden Inlet


Without a boat


Are drifting






A Short Day


The clam

Opens and closes

Its mouth







Quiet Waves


Dark night


Sandy beaches






Sitting on a Beach


To clasp


In one hand






The Perfume of the Sea


So salty

Trees thirst

On a hot day






A Sparkle of the Sea



In the shape

Of a silver ship






A Beach of Finest Sand


Covering our feet

With handfuls

Of fine sand






Swift Waters


Weighed anchor 

The delinquent boat

Reluctant to be moored






Fishermen’s Sweat


Pours down

The surface of the sea

Is seething








Imagine waves rising up

Without descending

Here I am







Infinite Sea


Choose a clean piece of ground

To put down

Belongings to carry aboard






Salted Fish


Laid in vertical

Or horizontal lines

What does it matter






The Rain Stopped at Midnight



The house roof

Isn’t clean yet







The Bottomless Sea


The way to the sea

Is a narrow path

Full of footprints






The Mast


Is broken


South winds






Sea Currents


Carry along

Schools of fish








Rough Waves



The tender








The Boat on Sea


At night

In the distance

She looks like a pagoda






The Sea is Waiting


For the clam gatherer


On the beach






A Monk’s Visit to the Sea


Headdress and robe

In place

He walked down to wash his feet







Taking a Sip of Tea


Hearing the sounds of waves

Watching the boat

Swing to and fro







Water From the Source


On days of rough seas


Into the river’s mouth






Facing the Sea



Sea foam

Far saltier than tears







It’s Early


Dark clouds

Cover the sea

Like a black blanket






You Walked on the Sand


Seeing you

The sea withdrew

Further away






The Sea is Infinite


Carrying a package of sticky rice

I held it for a while

Before eating






A Water Spout


Sucked creatures

From the sea's belly

Up towards the sky








The fish who swallowed light

Dived into

The depths of the sea





Recording Sounds of Waves  



To the washing out of solitude

By seawater






Biography of Susan Blanshard


Susan Blanshard was born in Hampshire, England. She is an internationally acclaimed Poet, Essayist, and Best-selling Author. Susan has written more than 35 books. She has edited translations for 9 international volumes of poetry. Selected poetry and essays are published in The World’s Literary Magazine, Projected Letters, Six Bricks Press, Arabesque Magazine, Lotus International Women’s Magazine, ICORN International Cities of Refuge. PEN International Women Writers’ Magazine. PEN International Writers Committee The Fourth Anthology, Our Voice, Nuestra Voz, Notre Voix. Her literary essays The Pillow Book, Four Recipes, The Traveler, Orientation, published in Arts And Culture, Lotus International Magazine, Hanoi. Her collected poems Running the Deserts, Midnight Mojave were included in the Vaani 9.69 seconds, a collection of short stories and poems dedicated to the London Olympics 2012. Selected new poetry from Poems from the Alley, have been translated into Bengali to be included in three upcoming literary reviews. She has also published book-length poetic prose: Sheetstone: Memoir for a Lover, Sleeping with the Artist, Fragments of the Human Heart, Memoir of Love and Art: Honey in My Blood. Susan is member of PEN International Women's Writers and a Foundation Member of Asian Pacific Writers APW. She lived in Hanoi for eight years and has written two non-fiction travel books on The Old Quarter of Hanoi. She is married to a visual artist and writer. They have two adult children. Susan resides near Sydney, Australia where she is currently completing a three book work of fiction.






Biography of Hồ Liễu


Born in 1987, in Hà Tĩnh Province, Vit nam. 1988–2004: HLiu lived on the Central Highlands when her family took part in the New Economics in Pleiku city, Gia Lai Province. From 2005–2013 she studied at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Saigon. Completing a Master's Degree with a dissertation on Pham Thi Hoài. Her centers of interest include: Literature in South Vietnam, period 1954–1975; and feminism in Vietnamese contemporary literature. HLiu currently works as a freelance translator, researcher and editor.







To contact the Author Mai Văn Phn:







Nội dung in trên bìa 4:

“Mai Văn Phấn’s poetry is a continuing journey of renovation and exploration. Each phase of his creation is marked by interesting works. A consciousness of serious reflection and study of the essence of the world’s great poetic traditions, in addition to an ardent desire towards a voice of contemporary Vietnamese poetry, are all motivation to his ceaseless quest and experimentation. Of course, in parallel to a selective reflection is his consciousness of building an independent aesthetic point of view. Therefore, his poetic world has undergone various multifaceted transformations, yet consistently keeps the spirit of a movement towards the new, the unaccomplished.”

- Dr. Lê Hồ Quang


"Thơ Mai Văn Phấn là một hành trình liên tục cách tân, tìm tòi. Mỗi giai đoạn sáng tác của ông đều được đánh dấu bằng những tác phẩm đáng chú ý. Ý thức tiếp thu, học hỏi nghiêm túc tinh hoa những nền thơ lớn trên thế giới cộng với khát vọng mãnh liệt hướng tới một tiếng thơ Việt hiện đại là động lực thúc đẩy nhà thơ không ngừng hăng hái tìm kiếm và thử nghiệm. Dĩ nhiên, song song với việc tiếp thu có chọn lọc là ý thức xây dựng một thẩm mĩ quan cá nhân độc lập. Bởi vậy, thế giới thơ ông dù biến đổi hết sức phong phú, đa dạng song vẫn rất nhất quán ở tinh thần vận động hướng về cái mới, không hoàn tất."

TS. Lê Hồ Quang




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