农作物 麦文潘 翻译:诗人 晓芳,淑文 - Crop. Mai Văn Phấn. Translated from English into Chinese by Xiaofang, Sue Zhu
Translated from English
into Chinese by Xiaofang, Sue Zhu
诗人 淑文
As I finish sowing a bed
of beans
The calls of a Radde’s
accentor remind me
Of the sky above
(Translated by Nhat-Lang Le.
Edited by Susan Blanshard)
淑文(Sue Zhu):曾任电视台节目主持人及采编,现居新西兰,诗人,画家,国际文化交流的组织与倡导者,美中文化艺术中心荣誉理事,新西兰国艺会理事,加拿大蒙特利尔国际端午文化艺术节副主席,意大利形象与诗歌文学运动新西兰代表。95年开始发表散文,合著出版过儿童教育丛书,诗画作品被收录于国内外各种期刊杂志与网络,中国诗歌比赛中多次获奖,2019年荣获罗马尼亚穆尼尔·梅斯国际文化艺术基金会颁发的成就证书,2020年荣获意大利圭多•戈扎诺文学奖及公众阅读推荐,2020年度美国“手推车”奖提名,多次应邀参加国际诗歌文学节与艺术节。
诗人简介:麦文潘, 越南诗人, 1955年出生在越南北部红河三角洲的宁平市。目前,居海防市。多次赢得越南和国际文学奖,如2010年越南作家协会奖,2017年瑞典锡加达文学奖,2019年塞尔维亚科学院和艺术学院奖。 2020年,两次获得俄罗斯联邦金笔文学奖,北马其顿的Aco Karamanov奖,2020年保加利亚举行的 “二十一世纪在一起” 音乐节上,荣获国际创意一等奖,2021年获得中亚作家和历史学家联盟的阿利舍尔·纳沃伊奖章。他在越南出版了16本诗歌书籍和1本《评论-随笔》,25本诗书在国外和Amazon的图书发行网络上发行和出售。 其诗歌被翻译成36种语言。
Poet Sue Zhu (淑文), New Zealand Chinese poet and painter. She
used to be TV presenter in China, now lives in Auckland. She is a member of the poetry institute of China,
The NZ–China Association, NZ Poem Art Association Incorporated,
honorary director of the US-China Cultural Association, A director of one
international company ltd, One of the
founders of “All Souls Poetry” club, An Editor and advisor for more than 20
Chinese poetry clubs and magazines in China, USA and New Zealand. Her poems and painting were published in Chinese
main newspapers and magazines such as People’s Daily, Poem Selection
Magazine, Chinese Poets, China Daily and international media such as
World Journal,
International Daily News, Italy Immagine & Poesia , Austria Worte&Welten, OPA poetry archive,
Atunis Galaxy poetry… Some of her poems were translated into English, French,
Macedonia, Hindi and Albic languages and published in counties
including United States, Canada, New Zealand,
Singapore, Indonesia, Japan,
India and Bangladesh…. She is a multi award winner in the Chinese national poetry competitions.
In the Year 2019 she was awarded the certificate of Munir
Mezyed Foundation for Arts and Culture. She has won the Il Meleto di Guido
Gozzano Literary Prize (International Section) — X (2020)