About the Poet Dusan Djurisic
Dusan Djurisic was born on 1932 in Gradinje near Caribrod, currently Dimitrovgrad, in Serbia. He is the President of the Association of the Montenegrin Writers for Children and Youth, the Association of Literary Translators in Montenegro and the Association of Montenegrin haijin; he is a member of the Montenegrin PEN center, the Montenegrin Cultural Institution, the Montenegrin Association of Independent Writers and an associate member of the Duklja Academy of Sciences and Arts. He was the chief editor of "Smile," the literary magazine for children, and the "New Encounters" newspaper, the newsletter of the Association of Literary Translators of Montenegro. He is the initiator of four literary manifestations for children and young people, poet, storyteller, novelist, playwright, literary translator and adaptor of works in foreign languages, literary critic, satirist, aphoritist, haijin, anthologist and publisher. For his literary creation and translations, Dusan Djurisic has received 16 national and international awards and several foreign awards for haiku and tanka. He published works for children, in one or more editions: twenty three collections of poetry, four collections of poetry and stories, three collections of short stories, fairy tales and fables, two picture books, a poem, two novels and two anthologies of the stories of Montenegrin writers for children. Furthermore, along with other authors, he published six books of selected songs and stories, twenty two books of poetry, haiku, tanka, haibun, aphorisms, epigrams, satirical poems, anecdotes, humorous stories and erotic poetry for adults. Twenty seven of his books and two anthologies were published in foreign languages: six in Macedonian, four in Russian, three in Albanian, two in English and one in French, Ruthenian, Armenian, Slovenian, Udmurt, Tatar, Mongol, Lithuanian, Turkmen, Kalmyk, Bulgarian, Turkish, Belorussian and Moldovan language. He has published forty three books of translations and adaptations, and twenty seven with other translators. His adaptations were published in five collections of works and anthologies of other authors and could also be found in many workbooks and manuals. He lives in Curilac near Danilovgrad and Podgorica (Montenegro).
About the Poet Mai Văn Phấn
Vijetnamski pjesnik Mai Văn Phấn je rođen 1955. godine u Ninh Bình, Red River Delta u Sjevernom Vijetnamu. Trenutno, živi i piše poeziju u gradu Hải Phòng. Objavio je 14 knjiga poezije i 1 knjigu "Kritike - Eseji" u Vijetnamu. Njegovih 12 knjiga poezije su objavljene i prodaju se u inostranstvu i na Amazon mreži za distribuciju knjiga. Pjesme Mai Văn Phấn-a su prevedene na 24 jezika, uključujući: engleski, francuski, ruski, španski, njemački, švedski, albanski, srpski, makedonski, slovački, rumunski, turski, uzbekistanski, kazahstanski, arapski, kineski, japanski, korejski, indonežanski, tai, nepalski, hindu i bengalski (Indija).