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WARIANTY NA DESZCZOWĄ NOC (wiersz). Mai Văn Phấn. Przetłumaczył z angielskiego na polski Zbigniew Roth

Mai Văn Phấn

Przetłumaczył z angielskiego na polski Zbigniew Roth

Translated from English into Polish by Zbigniew Roth



Poet Dr. Zbigniew Roth






Wreszcie nadchodzi deszcz

I huczy grzmot

Delikatne pędy rozbierają się do naga w ciemności

Ziemia próbuje ukryć swoją jałową suchość

Kiedy korzenie przyklejają się do naszej piersi


Razem chcemy

I pamiętamy razem

Kapelusz w kształcie stożka wykonany z liści i płaszcza przeciwdeszczowego lub błyskawicy na niebie

Noc jest za nami ze wszystkimi grobowcami

Jego czarna koszula wciąż wisi na drzewach


Razem rzeczy stygną

Razem rzeczy odbijają się echem

Dźwięki giną w naszym głębokim śnie

Gdzie niezliczone marzenia do góry nogami zostają roztrzaskane

W tej chłodnej, opadającej na nas kroplami deszczówkę.






Rain comes at last

And thunder rumbles

Tender shoots strip naked in darkness

The land tries to hide its barren dryness

When roots feel their way into our chest


Together we desire

And together we recall

A leafy cone hat and raincoat or lightning across the sky

Night lies down with all the tombs

Its black shirt still hung in the trees


Together things cool down

And together things echo

The sounds get lost inside our deep sleep

Where countless upside-down dreams are shattered

In this cool, expanding, reverberating rain water.

(Translated by Nhat-Lang Le. Edited bySusan Blanshard)




About poet, translator Zbigniew Roth:


He is an author, composer, poet with 64 years of experience as a writer, he has been writing since 1957 and celebrating his 53th anniversary in his work as a composer, he has been composing since 1968. since 2007 – Member of the Polish American Poets Academy based in New York, USA, since 2009 – Honorary Member of the Literary and Dramatic Group. K. Przerwa – Tetmajer in Chicago since 2012 – Honorary Member of the 83 Infrared Circle in Chicago USA, since 2013 – a member of the Polish Association of Authors, Journalists and Translators in Europe A.P.A.J.T.E. based in Paris France, since September 2014 a member of the Polish Society of Artists, Authors, Cultural Animators PTAAAK in Poznań and since 2016 a member of SAP Branch in Kołobrzeg. Since 2020, he is a Critic Correspondent Journalist in the field of Poetry and Song, Polish-Italian TV News. President and Founder of the SSAP World Association of Artists and Writers (on line and non prifit) Poland, the International Peace Ambassador of the World Literature Forum and the World Peace Ambassador of the World Organization for Peace France & Switzerland. In February 2021 he is nominated for the International Coordinator of the Panorama 2021 Festival in Poland.




Apartamenty Czarna Góra, Tatry, Białka Tatrzańska, Nadwodnia 49, Czarna  Góra - Apartamenty Czarna Góra »

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